Data Used : (191670 matches)
Discussion :
The Top 3 top lane bruisers in league of legends (S3) are Wukong, Singed & Riven. The result surprises me because I expect Champions that were used frequently in the past tournaments to occupy the top 3 position. Talon has the highest average winning rate but he is not considered the best top lane hero here because I suspect he gains most of his wins @ mid vs squishy mage.
Darius is the most popular top lane bruiser in LOL. Lee Sin is not considered as the most popular top hero here because he is mostly used as Jungler.
Despite Shen OPness in the past competitive tournaments, he does poorly in both ranked and normal game. Great communication and meticulous teamwork which appeared in tournament more often, are required to utilize Shen (Split Push Strategy + R) to his fullest potential.
Poppy, Rengar & Vi need some love from RIOT's balance team.
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