Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Best Bot Lane Comp For Pros/Tournaments @ S3 - LoL (League Of Legends)

Tournament Data Used = IEM Season VII - Global Challenge Sao Paulo, IEM Season VII - Global Challenge Katowice & OLYMPUS Champions Winter 2012-2013.

Discussion :

  • Miss Fortune is the most popular ADC pick for pros. Second is Ezreal and third is Caitlyn.
  • Sona is the most popular support pick for pros. Second is Lulu and third is nunu.
  • Miss Fortune + Sona is the most popular bot lane pick/composition for pros. The second most popular bot lane comp is Ezreal + Sona. Third is Ezreal + Zyra.
  • It's hard to determine which bot lane team composition is the best definitely due to the lack of data. But Miss Forture+ Blitzcrank, Miss Fortune + Taric, Ezreal + Taric & Caitlyn + Nunu are some of the strongest bot lane team compositions seen in these 3 competitive tournaments with an exceptionally high win rate (70-100%), which could also be due to lack of data/gameplay.
  • Miss Fortune is the most banned ADC champion in these 3 competitive tournaments.
  • Blitzcrank is the most banned support champion in these 3 competitive tournaments.

    1. Would be nice to see a banned champion list beside this to get a bit more data, like I would assume that Taric and Blitz was banned often.

      1. I have added the ban tables for both ADC & Support.

      2. Interesting, zero Taric bans

    2. Good post but I was wondering if you could write a litte more on this subject? I’d be very thankful if you could elaborate a little bit further. Appreciate it!

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