Sunday, April 23, 2023

How to counter Malzahar.

Malzahar, a powerful mage with a range of abilities that can deal significant damage to his enemies. However, with some knowledge and tactics, you can learn how to counter Malzahar and turn the tables in your favor.

Malzahar's strength lies in his ability to control the battlefield and deal significant damage from a distance. He can silence and suppress his enemies, making them unable to cast spells or move, and can deal significant damage over time with his abilities. However, Malzahar is also relatively fragile and can be taken down quickly if caught off guard.

One of the most effective ways to counter Malzahar is to pick a champion that can interrupt his abilities. Champions with abilities such as stuns, knockups, or displacements can prevent Malzahar from casting his spells and keep him at bay. For example, champions like Leona or Alistar can use their crowd control abilities to lock down Malzahar and prevent him from using his abilities effectively.

Another way to counter Malzahar is to invest in early-game pressure. Malzahar is relatively weak in the early game, and his abilities have long cooldowns. Taking advantage of this weakness and pressuring him early on can prevent him from scaling up and becoming a significant threat. Champions like Zed or Talon can roam and gank Malzahar early on, putting him behind and preventing him from becoming a significant threat.

It is also important to keep track of Malzahar's ultimate ability, Nether Grasp. This ability can lock down a single target for a significant amount of time, dealing significant damage over time. Try to bait out Malzahar's ultimate before engaging him, or use abilities that can interrupt it, such as Yasuo's Windwall or Morgana's Black Shield. By doing so, you can prevent Malzahar from using his ultimate effectively and take him down more easily.

In addition to these strategies, it is also important to communicate with your team. Malzahar is most effective when he can catch his enemies off guard, so try to stay close to your team and avoid wandering off alone. If you see Malzahar approaching, alert your team so that they can help you take him down. Similarly, if you are playing as a team, coordinate your attacks and focus on taking down Malzahar together.

Finally, it is important to remain patient and persistent. Malzahar is a challenging champion to counter, and it may take some time to learn how to effectively deal with him. Don't get discouraged if you lose a few matches against him; instead, use each match as an opportunity to learn and adapt your strategy.

In conclusion, while Malzahar may be a challenging champion to counter, with proper strategy and communication, he can be effectively dealt with. Pick a champion that can interrupt his abilities, invest in early-game pressure, keep track of his ultimate ability, communicate with your team, and remain persistent. By doing so, you can effectively counter Malzahar and come out on top in your matches.

Top 5 Lane Counters Against Malzahar are : Ziggs, Viktor, Tristana, Akshan & Talon
