Thursday, January 17, 2013

Which champion is the best/strongest jungler in LOL (Season 3)? The Jungler Win Rate Comparison & OP Analysis

Objective : To determine which 5 champions are the top 5 junglers in Season 3 of league of legends.

Method : Find out the win rate (%) for both ranked and normal for each common jungler used and then calculate the average of these 2 values. Website used : (With 191666 matches)

Data Analysis & Discussion :

T-Test (ranked Vs normal) = 0.94 (> 0.5)

Accept the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between normal winning rate and Ranked winning rate.

Amumu has the highest win rate as a jungler in league of legends. Amumu has neither a fast jungle clearing speed (ie: Dr mundo) nor a high sustainability in jungle (ie Warwick) but he is the best jungler to be chosen if you want to have a higher chance of winning a game. The main reason for his awesomeness is his scary ultimate skill, the curse of the mummy, which deals AOE snare and AOE magic damage which can turn the tide in any team fight. In addition to his OP ult, he also deal AOE DPS damage while he is feeling despair and crying (for your inevitable demise) around you. With acceptable jungling speed, sustain, OP AOE stun and DPS damage, it's not surprising that Amumu is the best jungler in League Of legends for S3.

The second best jungler in LOL season 3 is the Oriental devastator, Xin Zhao. He has amazing gap closing ability, single target CC skill, awesome burst AD damage (3 Talon Strike) and disrupting AOE ultimate that can send chills up the spine of every AP/AD carries. Xin Zhao is my favorite champion and I have above 55% win rate with him in Ranked & normal. This result of XZ in 2nd place does not surprise me one bit.

The third best jungler is Sejuani, the beauty and the pig. Similar to AMUMU/XZ, she has a very powerful slowing skill, gap closing ability and the fearsome long range AOE icy stun that can immobilize a whole group of heroes. The beauty and the pig is very underrated and very underplayed in league of legends competitive scene. But once competitive professional players realize her true potential and start playing her more, you will see a surge of pig girl usage in both normal and ranked games.

Conclusion : The top five junglers in league of legends (S3) are Amumu, Xin Zhao, Sejuani, Shaco & Rammus. In ranked game, consider banning Amumu if non of your teammates know how to use him properly.


  1. Few things wrong with this.

    1) The data you game data you got was not of just jungle matches so if say malphite was top the win from that would reflect your chart.

    So right off the bat that would change Xin, Shaco, Fiddle, Malphite, Jarvan, Mao, nunu, cho, lee, WW, mundo, GP, trynd, olaf, regar and alistar.

    The only champs that seem to be unaffected are Amumu, Sejuani, Rammus, Noc and Skarner.

    And I would let slip Udyr, Shyvana, Hecarim, Naut.

    2) The info you got was from all ranked and not say Silver or greater. This could mean that a high skillcap champ such as Lee would do worse and a pubstomp like Shaco would do better.

    3) I personally would not suggest banning champions based on how well they jungle rather than Matches played vs win ratio. A champ like Taric Which has 9870 matches and 55.82% Win ratio seems like a better ban than say Xin with 4093 matches and 52.46% win ratio or even Amumu with a pickrate of 2550 and a win rate of 55.25%.

    1. One good place for data is though not all the info is present.

    2. I was well aware of the potential problems 1) 2) before writing this "OP" analysis but thanks for commenting here so that readers know the problem/limitation of this oversimplified analysis.

    3. Thanks for the reply, I would really like to see a chart of Matches played vs Matches won to see who would be the best bans.

  2. As requested, matches played vs Matches won added to the table.

  3. I was meaning something more the lines of this

    Win % > 51%, sorted by #of games played. This in theory would be the best bans unless you have counters for those champions.

  4. Added another that sorts total matches (R + N). With this new table, Xin Zhao, Amumu & Shaco are the top 3 most ban worthy champ for jungler class.

