The very first skill you need to learn to jungle as the almighty rocky Malphite is the Ground Slam. Ground slam does AOE magic slam and has a low CD so it's going to be extremely helpful for you clear the jungle creeps. Once you level up, learn the brutal strike to not only increase your armor & attack damage, but also does AOE damage to all the creeps in front of you. At level 3 you should up the ground slam again to do more AOE damage to the creeps.
The jungling route of malphite is pretty similar to others. Wolf -> Blue -> Wraith ->Red -> Golem -> Wraith.
For jungling item, I started with hunter's machete for faster clearing speed. But cloth armor would be just fine for Malphite since you can build armor boot with it faster.
Pre Level 6 Gank - Malphite has a very poor pre level 6 gank, you only want to gank your lane with Q and follow by ground slam when the enemy is overextending with less than 50% health. Otherwise focus on farming creeps or covering lane until you hit level 6.
Post Level 6 Gank - Maphite has an excellent gank after level 6 with his unstoppable force (R), follow by ground slam (E), Seismic Shard (Q) and Brutal Strikes (W). The skill sequence is R -> E -> Q -> W. You should be the one who initiate on the enemy. Be sure to use flash before R if necessary first.
Team Fight - Malphite is a monster initiator in teamfight. Try to aim as many heroes (AP & AD carries) as you can when you initiate with your R. Do not waste your R on tank or support. Do not R the enemy carries far behind the enemy tanks & supports because your carries would not have the time to respond and if they do, they would expose themselves to the enemy tanky DPS heroes or the CC spells by support hero and you are going die because no one can help you.
Summoner spells are Flash & Smite
I build Malphite as tank so here is the masteries.
Runes are same as Amumu(Defensive): 3 Great Q of Armors, 9 X Great S of Armor, 9 X Greater G of Magic Resists, 9 X Greater M of Armor.
My favorite item build for Malphite in S3 are, Mercury Thread, Philosopher Stones, Sunfire Cape, Aegies Of The Legions, Frozen Heart, Randium Omen & Runic Bulwark (Late Game).

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