Method : Gather the winning rate of unranked and all tiers from http://www.elophant.com . Calculate the ranked winning rate using data from all tiers and unranked. Duration : Past 30 days from 21 July 2013.
Analysis :
1) Janna remains the top support champion in LoL with a 54.92% winning rate in Ranked Game. Sona is the second best with 52.78% and Zyra is the third with 52.14%.
2) Alistar continues to perform horribly as support with a 43.43% winning rate in ranked game. Perhaps it's time for Riot to give some love to our beloved cow.
3) The top 3 most use support champions in both ranked & unranked are Leona, Blitzcrank & Thresh.
4) Nunu is not listed as top 3 support because he is played mostly as a jungler now due to the recent buff on his jungling ability.
Conclusion : The top five support champions for Aatrox patch are Janna, Sona, Zyra, Thresh & Nami.
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