To jungle as AP evelynn, you need to buy the hunter's machete from the shop for extra damage on minions, get the standard 5 healing pots and forget about cloth armor because it is going to slow your clearing speed and it's going to deplete your pots rapidly.
If you are doing solo, start @ blue first with full HP, then proceed to wolf, then wraith, blue, Golem and back to wraith. You will most likely have a very low HP after clearing the second wave of wraith. This is because almost all AP based heroes have a naturally low armor and attack damage.
Your first 3 level skill sequence is Hate Spike -> Ravage -> Hate Spike.
AP Evelynn Jungler Masteries

Runes : 9x Greater Seal Of Armor, 9x Greater Glyph of MR, 9XGreater Mark Of Magic Pen, 3x Greater Q of Ability Power
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