Amumu is one of the fastest junglers in LOL due to his OP AOE skill. Amumu is highly dependant on blue buff to jungle effectively. Ask your team mates to secure blue buff at all cost. The first skill you need to up is the Tantrum skill at level 1. Do not be discouraged by its long cool down time (~10 sec) because the passive skill will reduce the CD by 0.5 sec whenever Amumu is hit. The second skill to learn is despair (crying), this is going to add additional AOE damage and make the pathetic natural creeps die even faster.
Your jungle route is -> Wolf -> Blue -> Wrait -> Golem -> Red -> Wraith
Amumu Pre Level 6 Strategy : Amumu pre level 6 ganking ability is average at best, you only want to gank with your Bandage Toss(1 second stun) when the enemy is overextending with low health. Your focus is on levelling up as fast as you can to level 6. Cover lane and gain experience when your lane partners are back to base.
Amumu Post Level 6 Strategy : Now you have your ultimate up, The Curse Of The Sad Mummy. You must start to play very aggressive and gank any lane that provides the best chance to secure a kill/assist. Ping your lane partners before you gank, bandage toss your target, R, E(Tantrum), W(Despair) and watch your victims die in despair.
Amumu Team Fight Strategy : Amumu is a team fight oriented hero and a monster in 5 v 5 team fight. Bandage toss to a group of at least 2 enemy heroes, preferably AD/AP/Bruiser, and immediately press R, E, W and watch them get destroyed by your carries. If you are lucky enough to partner with team mates such as Sona, Zyra, Brand, Orianna and any AOE champions and the game transitions to team fight phase. It's basically a free win or ELO if played correctly (The stick strategy). Do not in any circumstances waste your R on their support or tank alone in late game.
Summoner spells are Flash & Smite

My favorite items for Amumu in season 3: Mercury Thread, Philostone, Spirit Of Ancient golem, Sunfire Cape & Abyssal Scepter.
Masteries = 4/26/0
Runes = 3 Great Q of Armors, 9 X Great S of Armor, 9 X Greater G of Magic Resists, 9 X Greater M of Armor.
Enjoy crying your way to victory with Amumu as jungler!
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