Objective : The perceived OPness of Kayle by some can be attributed to her powerful ultimate that can render an allied unit immune to all kinds of damage. In this study, we will determine if Kayle is OP in League Of legends as of March 2013 and deserve a nerf/adjustment in the upcoming patch.
Method : Study the winning rates of normal, ranked and competitive games.
Data :
Discussion : Kayle enjoys an average performance in competitive games, wining 25 games out of 48 (52%). Also with the latest version of LOL, Kayle achieves a winning rate of 49.65% and 51.59% in ranked and normal respectively.
conclusion : Based on the above data, Kayle is balanced and do not need any adjustment to her abilities and base stat.
Reference : http://lolmatches.com/championstats/ http://lolmatches.com/championstats/ http://leaguepedia.com/wiki/Kayle